Clergy Training Program

Spiral’s Clergy Training Program


The Spiral Clergy Training Program was established in the days when our organization was still called the Center for Non-Traditional Religion, as some of our members found themselves being called to minister to a wider community and felt the need for additional training as well as the legal credentials to support their new role. Our first clergy were consecrated in January of 1982 as Priestesses of the Goddess. By 1986, it had become clear that some of our clergy were being called to work with the gods as well as the goddesses, and an alternate or additional consecration as priest/ess of the Lord and the Lady was established. This has also been expanded to include the Androgyne. Since its beginning, the program has graduated twenty seven women and eight men.

Within Spiral, the Clergy Training Program as a whole is known as Collegium. The consecrated clergy who serve as faculty are the Conclave. Accepted applicants are referred to as Students or Trainees.


This part of the site includes the following documents:

  1. The Spiral Clergy Handbook: Prospective applicants should read this through before completing the Training Application.
  2. The Spiral Clergy Training Application: Download this PDF, print it out, and send it in.
  3. The Training Record: The Record form lists the requirements to be fulfilled and suggests ways in which competence may be shown. Available as a PDF.
  4. Evaluation Record: This form keeps track of the times and results of trainee evaluations by Conclave.
  5. Program Member Directory: Here you will find a listing of active Spiral-consecrated clergy in the Bay Area.