Course of Study

Course of Study


It is strongly recommended that you have at least a year’s experience in some (preferably Spiral) circle before applying to Collegium, or the equivalent of at least a year’s study of magic/the Old Religion, through scheduled classes or independent study. The classes that Collegium presents are not entry-level material; they are designed for the magician/mystic/witch who already has a working knowledge of the Old Religion.

Collegium operates as an independent study program. The regular classes are not intended as in-depth presentations. They are designed to be starting points for your own further study. The preponderance of your work in the program will be done individually or with your Guide.

Students in Collegium and members of Conclave are required to be members in good standing of the Fellowship of the Spiral Path.


Materials for most classes and workshops will come in the form of handouts presented at the time of class or may be posted on this website. However, students are required to have and to read the full Collegium packet as posted here (if you do not have regular web access, your guide will arrange to print out a copy) and the complete Liturgy of the Lady, also available from the website.


Students are expected to take approximately two years to finish the course of study at a satisfactory level. It is understood that we all will continue to learn and to deepen our understanding of the material. Upon completion of course work, if a student does not yet feel ready to make the commitment required for consecration, the training period may be extended.


Participation in and completion of the program is your responsibility. With your Guide you will determine a reasonable schedule for covering each of the topics in the Training Record. Your Guide’s responsibility is to check regularly on your progress, to assist you in finding the resources you need, and to witness the completion of requirements by initialing the Training Record. Don’t expect your Guide to have the answers to everything; that wouldn’t leave anything for you to discover!

Fulfillment of Requirements

Many of the requirements can be fulfilled by leading a ritual or workshop at a meeting of your circle. The pastoral requirements may be fulfilled by a situation exam in which other group members take the part of people with specific problems. If a knowledge requirement is fulfilled by discussion other than in open Collegium class, it would be a good idea to tape that discussion. If you submit a paper, please give a copy to your Guide for inclusion in our resource file. (Conclave would like to establish a collection of papers on various mythologies and deities.)


When it is time for you to act as Hierophant for the Liturgy, your Guide will help you to get the most from the experience, by being available to assist as part of the crew, or helping you to find or develop readings, choose appropriate music, dress the altar, etc. Your Guide can also walk you through the service and explain the various segments of it, and familiarize you with such things as staging and delivery. It is recommended that you serve as an assisting priest/ess in the Liturgy before acting as Hierophant.