Admission and Consecration Procedures
- To apply for admission to Collegium, an applicant should fill out the Background Summary form and essay and turn them in before the next solstice. Applications will be reviewed by Conclave at its admisssions meeting in January or July. Conclave’s choice will be made by a simple majority vote. The Applicant will be informed by mail of Conclave’s decision before next meeting of Collegium. Conclave will not normally reconsider a declined applicant for at least two years following the date of the original application.
- Official enrollment in Collegium begins only when the applicant has found a Guide. A list of Conclave members available to serve as Guides is available upon request.
- Upon acceptance of her/his application, a student should download or read through the following documents from this site:
- Collegium Procedures (the document you are reading),
- Training Record,
- Clergy Roster (with contact information),
- Spiral Operating Procedures,
- and other pertinent material.
- If at any time the student finds it necessary to resign from the program, it is her/his responsibility to so inform her/his Guide, and that of the Guide to inform Conclave.
- Once a student is accepted into Collegium, attendance at all Collegium classes is required. If a student must miss a class because of illness or other good cause, s/he must notify her/his Guide, preferably in advance. The Guide will make available for the student any information or resources from the missed class.
- Six months after student’s official enrollment, Guide will make a first report to Conclave. At this point enrollment may be ended without disgrace by consensus of Conclave, or by simple majority if a vote is necessary.
- The Guide will meet regularly with the student at their mutual convenience so that they can work together to identify training needs and develop a personalized schedule for completing training requirements. Both Guide and student should keep copies of the Training Record and update them regularly.
- At nine months after official enrollment the first of two Progress Review meetings will be held. The panel will consist of the student, the Guide, and two other members of Conclave. One Conclave representative will be selected by the Guide and student, the other chosen by lot.
Conclave committee members will recommend to Conclave confirmation of the student’s status, re-evaluation, extension of training time, etc.
- At the end of the first year of training Guide will present to Conclave a one-year report. At this time, by consensus of Conclave, the student may be invited to commit to continue training with consecration as the goal, or to continue training for certificati on only.
- At the request of either Conclave, the student, or the Guide, the student’s status may be re-evaluated a maximum of two times at any point after the one-year review, during the remainder of her/his training. Attendance will be one of the factors considered in evaluating commitment.
- There will be a second Progress Review meeting, at eighteen months after official enrollment. For the eighteen-month panel both Conclave representatives (neither of whom sat on the nine-month panel) will be chosen by lot.
- The usual time allotted for completion of the Collegium program is two years, but this may be adjusted at the discretion of Conclave.
- If a majority of Conclave at any time feels that there is a serious question of a student’s suitability for Consecration or certification, the student will be formally warned.
- When both Guide and student feel that a student is ready and has completed the training: at recommendation of Conclave a Certificate of Completion will be awarded,
the student will be presented to Conclave as a candidate for Consecration. The decision to consecrate will be made by consensus of Conclave with the guidance of the gods.