

(This plan may be altered at the discretion of Conclave)

Plan A: a two- year sequence of classes held every other month

Year One Year Two
Processing Change Apologetics
Meditation and Visualization Ritual Construction
Psychic Defense Ritual Presentation
Spiritual Practices Handling Energy
Counseling Tools and Techniques Rites of Passage
Elective Elective

Plan B: monthly classes alternating between areas A, B, and C for as long as it takes.

  1. Theory
    1. History of Religion (in the Western World)
      1. Paleolithic through Classical
      2. From the Conversion to Christianity to the present
    2. Polytheology
      1. Lectures/presentations on the mythology and religious practices of as many cultures as possible, leading to a general understanding of the similiarities and differences between different pagan religions.
      2. concepts and philosophy underlying polytheology as a basis for religious belief and practice.
    3. Issues in Pagan religion
      1. Beginnings and Endings. Comparative Cosmology
      2. The Problem of Evil
      3. Polarity and Gender
      4. Violence
      5. Theisms: poly-, pan-, duo-, heno- etc.
      6. The Four Elements
    4. Ritual
      1. Ritual Design
      2. Rites of Passage
        1. initiation
        2. marriage
        3. blessing children
        4. memorial services
        5. Men’s Mysteries
        6. Women’s Mysteries
  2. Practice
    1. Working with Energy: Sensing, moving, grounding, shielding etc.
    2. Ritual Presentation
      1. Overview and Production Values
      2. Voice and Movement, Music
      3. extra credit: Tea Ceremony
    3. Meditation
      1. Grounding and Centering
      2. Visualization
      3. Pathworking and Guided Meditation
    4. Psychic Defense and First Aid
      1. Warding and shielding
      2. Banishing and exorcism
    5. Allies and Guardians: spirit guides, ancestral spirits, power animals
    6. Healing and Bodywork: .energy, imagery and other resources
    7. Processing Change
    8. Spiritual Practices . ways to recharge and reconnect
  3. Pastoral Skills
    1. Apologetics: explaining paganism to people from varying backgrounds, from fundamentalist Christian to atheist
    2. Rights and Responsibilities of Pagan Clergy
    3. Counselling Tools and Techniques
      1. Pastoral Counseling
      2. Dealing with Death, Grief Counseling
      3. Marriage Counseling
      4. Spiritual Emergency and Divine Relationships

Understanding, knowledge and skills in the above areas will be demonstrated in a variety of ways, including class discussion, making presentations and participating in rituals for Spiral, Collegium or other groups, performance in simulations, and submission of essays and reports.